Cocos2d x documentation pdf file

It features an easytouse graphical interface, and advanced packing algorithms such as maxrects. Cocos2d x is a mature open source crossplatform game development framework that supports 2d and 3d game creation. Cocos2dx tutorial 1 setting up the project cocos2dx download link source code link. The aim of this document is to introduce the users of cocos2dx to cocos creator and help them learn how to use the new editor as soon as possible. Like in our previous example, we import the cocos package. This user manual provides detailed instructions and workflows for users with different roles and a stepbystep guide for beginners. Cocos creator is a new type of game development tool oriented towards content creation that has completely integrated the componentized edition cocos2d x web, by which you can launch games on platforms like web. It supports full cocos2dx functionality with a set of simplified javascript friendly apis. This descrements the refs reference count at the end of current autorelease pool block if the reference count reaches 0 after the descrement, this ref is destructed returns the ref itself. Cocos2dx javascript tutorial 1 setting up the project. There is a lot of online documentation available, so the biggest problem is probably finding it, if you are new to cocos2d.

This is a comprehensive and detailed guide to help you get started with designing and developing games. This means with one set of code, you can make games for ios, android, windows phone, mac os x, windows desktop and linux. It works on windows, os x and linux and it is meant to be used by applications written in the python language. Cocos2d contains many branches with the best known being cocos2dobjc, cocos2dx, cocos2dhtml5 and cocos2dxna. I will record the process of learning and commit some notes then. Spritebuncher is a free, opensource texture packing program. The documentation for this class was generated from the following file. Contributions to the cocos documentation are always welcome.

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